Tomato Harvester

A tomato harvester works as follows

sort the loose fruit from the rest of the plant with a connective system before re-sorting the fruit, secondarily by humans riding along with the harvester. When bringing the stalks back to the field, load the fruit in the box behind the harvester

1. Pikrite HC290 Tomato Harvester

48 ″ electronic color sorter
     32 elevator discharge elevator
     Goose neck hitch
     Gearbox mounted dual hydraulic pump
     Disc header pick-up with chain assembly
     Disk reversal control
     Dual-automatic header height control
     Dirt vibrator operated on header chain
     Bar sweeper
     Header bell assist
     Dual Forced Balancing Shaker System
     Fully lit work area
     Cool, white sun / rain canopy (with header and dust curtain)
     Auto leveler
     Piece of vine

2.UC-Blackwelder Tomato Harvester

Description: This film by Blackwelder Manufacturing Company Records shows several versions of UC Blackwelder tomato harvesting in action. In 1949, UC Davis agricultural engineer Coby Lorenzen and UC Davis vegetable crops researcher Jack Hanna began work on developing a harvester and a tomato variety that could withstand the rigors of mechanical picking. During the 1950s, the UC Davis team refined the experimental harvester and in 1959, Blackwelder Manufacturing of Rio Vista, California commercialized the design. The tomato harvester is said to have saved California’s processed tomato industry in the 1960s. The film includes footage of harvesters and tomatoes from the farm; Tomatoes traveling on inspection conveyor belts in front of machine-mounted human sorters; And fruit is being distributed in cans. It also includes a short clip, which shows the difference between tomatoes sliced ​​by the blackweller machine.

Source: 1 of 1 reel: film: 16mm

Rights: Copyright. The rights are owned by UC Regent. The copyright holder has given permission to the institution to provide the digitized work online. Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by copyright beyond permission by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owner. In addition, reproduction of certain materials may be restricted by gift or purchase agreements, donor restrictions, confidentiality and promotional rights, licensing and trademark terms. Work cannot be done in the public domain without the permission of the copyright owner. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user.


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